Wednesday, March 23, 2016

March 2016: APP-a-pedia

Greetings! This month's website of the month is APP-a-pedia, which was recently recommended by a member of the NH School Librarian list-serv I subscribe to. As described by my colleague, it is "a curated database of over 50,000 educational, productivity, assistive, and others apps for all kinds of devices, for learners of every age, across all subject levels, including info on apps for the full range of special needs students might have." There are different categories you can choose (App purpose, mobile device, academic area, education level, ed specialty) to limit your results. I tried it out myself and found I had better luck when I left some categories open. For instance, selecting a learning app on iPads for autism (3 limiters) worked better than adding limiters for academic area and education level as well. Give it a try and hopefully you will find some new learning tools to try! Rosanne